Senior County Team (Target) Selection Sept 2021 to July 2022. UPDATE AND CHANGE

Having reviewed feedback from a number of archers, it appears that due to the current COVID restrictions on numbers of archers at tournaments, and the high demand of people wanting to shoot Record Status Shoots, Nottinghamshire Archery Society archers are finding it difficult to get places at the County Selection Shoots.

With this in mind, we are going change the selection process for THIS YEAR ONLY.

To be able to qualify for the Squad you will need to be a member of the Nottinghamshire Archery Society and

  • Be part of the last fully qualified team that was selected in Aug 2019OR
  • Submit at least 2 scores from any UK or World Record Status  Double WA720 / WA1440  or UK Record Status York/Hereford shot during the 2020 season or 2021 season up to 13th September 2021
    • Scores must be submitted with a copy of the results sheets (I will collect scores sheets from the Wilford, Sherwood, Greasley Castle and County Championships)


Once scores are received, the Selection Committee (Team Manager, Chairman and both Vice Chairs) will meet and select the County Team Squad for Sept 2021 to July 2022.

We will not be shooting any Team events in 2021, but hopefully we will shooting outdoor matches again from April to July 2022

Scores should be submitted by email, with attachments  to  I will confirm receipt of the email once received.

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