News and Views from the chair

The new outdoor season is upon us now and Notts has a full calendar of tournaments. All the usual suspects are holding their normal shoots with some new inclusions. Sherwood Archers are holding two WA720 H2H’s this year, this I suspect will bring in a good level of competition. The Historic Golden arrow has been amalgamated with the first Notts League at Greasley Castle Archers on the 5th May so the field will go from about 8 targets to a full field of 28 targets, this will increase the competition somewhat and will also include a presentation at the end of the shoot. Remember it is a handicap shoot and some of the trophies have been re-allocated.
Both Clubs that were due to hold the senior and junior intercounty championships have cried off, therefore EMAS will be looking for host clubs this year. I suspect they will brooch the subject this weekend at their AGM in Leicester.
Both senior and junior winter training is now finished and went very well thanks to are new County coaching organiser (CCO) and County development co-ordinator (CDC). Thank guys and gals.
I am still looking for a volunteer to take on the task of County secretary, this is a very important committee position, I would find it very difficult to do both chair and secretary on top of my judging responsibilities and club duties. If you are interested, please contact Mike Thomason or me.

AGB Rule updates
I would like to point out that there are some updates to the AGB rule book this year from January 15th. Most are to do with Field shooting but there are some changes to the AGB dress regulations. Archers are allowed camouflage equipment but not clothing, this includes head dress (hats). If you insist on using camouflage equipment it will not be allowed at a world archery event.
For the crossbow arbalist contingent, there are some changes to face layouts for tournaments.
Importantly, there is an upgrade to the use of non-electric noise reduction headphones, buds, etc. These must be registered with the judges at inspection from now on.
Please acquaint yourselves with the new rules please, judges do not want to stop anyone shooting a tournament. Rule book can be found at;

I look forward to seeing everyone shooting this year, don’t forget to get your tournament entries in promptly, you don’t want to be disappointed. I feel a year coming on.

Bernie Dicks
County Chairman.

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