Newark Castle Archers Run Archery event

Newark Castle Archers are piloting a new event on  on 30th April.

Entry is £10 and for that you will be fed ( food choices to be arranged )and get a goodie bag. It’s on sport80 and it is 1st time it’s been done in UK.

Briefly you run 400m with bow ( not arrows they are at targets waiting for you )shoot at a 16cm target face at 20m x 5 if miss there are penalty laps. Then run 400m this time shoot kneeling on one leg and again misses equal penalty laps and then run 400m and that’s it. We will be doing it all day and it’s not about speed either it’s all for fun.

All info on sport80 30th April at Newark Rugby Club home of Newark Castle Archers.

The club are also looking for volunteers to help archers who are running who also will be fed and judges too. These do not Run or shoot!

This is for those who jog/run within our sport and is also an opportunity to attract others away from our sport if successful.

Support from all sides be it participant, volunteer and judges will be very much appreciated.

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